Our Wellbeing, Our Profession, Our Future
Andrew Jones
You can't maintain wellbeing without being competent.
The better you’re performing the better your wellbeing.
Interesting as the better that I feel about myself the better I am able to teach, lead and make decisions.
The Mindful Leader
Developing a Whole School Approach to School Leader Health and Wellbeing
Episode One:
The Internal Landscape
Best Possible Self
Rules for Engagement: Norms and Protocols
- Be mindful of confidentiality and privacy
- Be here now
- assume positive intentions
- Ground statements in evidence
- Take an inquiry stance
- Create a space for all voices
What makes the biggest difference in the classroom is the teachers and learners attitudes and dispositions.
How we teach is more important that our knowledge of what we teach.
'It is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence.'
(The Ethics of Belief)
Work Related Stress- Psychological Hazard
The response people may have when presented with work demands and pressures that are not matched to their knowledge and abilities and which challenge their ability to cope.
Practice could be put into policy NOT policy into practice.
The Problem with the Problem
The solutions are coming from the outside / can we solve our own problems? Do we have the solutions to lessen the stresses in OUR school?
Leadership Practitioner Identity
Personal Social Professional
At Your Best
A moment of high impact that I have had as a teacher-
- What made it so effective?
- What strengths / qualities were I displaying?
- How was I feeling?
Reality Gap
My current reality How far apart are these? The person I want to be
Skills ................... Performance
Cognitive Fusion
- Thoughts dominate behaviour
- Entanglement with judgements- thoughts are taken literally
- Reduces the impact of direct performance
My Negative Bias -
- Hard wired
- adaptive
- Velcro / Teflon
Default Mode Network
Unhelpful Human Thinking!
I am my own worse CRITICAL BOSS!
- Headspace
- Smiling Mind
- Calm
Episode Two:
The Social Landscape
The Social Eco-System
Managing the many minefields that impact on our lives and thoughts as us as teachers, in schools and education. Facebook, the NEWS, papers, radio - putting expectations, making assumptions and judgments onto schools and teachers.
Learner Outcomes
Learner Experiences
Teaching Practices
Team-based Practices
Learning Leadership Practices
Executive Leadership Outcomes
Team-Based Practices enables us to have sustainability - Builds commonality - supports Well-Being - THESE build into strengthening teaching practices and this will increase learner experiences and learner outcomes.
Social Ecological Model
The most important factor of life satisfaction and emotional well-being
Can this book be used to fill the buckets of staff members? Can our lead team use this book and adopt its practices to BUILD a climate of increasing 'Positive Psychology' ... if we are modelling these behaviors do they make a difference to our teaching team.
Belonging is an important aspect of being able to build ones own positive psychology.
Episode Three:
The Professional Landscape
Make Plans not Excuses
Psychological Safety and Psychological Strength
Luke Rowe
Highly effective / High Performing Teams
Team Effectiveness
Flourishing self can contribute best to the team.
Coaching 10%
Conditions 30%
Composition 60%
Me Factors
We Factors
'Smart Teams need smart individuals!'
Can we increase IQ? YES!
Each year of Education raises IQ from 1-5 points
Integrity and Conscientiousness
Conscientiousness - personality factor dutiful, dependable, responsible
Demonstrates a positive effect on team performance
Predictive validity is bolstered by coupling IQ with conscientiousness or integrity
Angela Duckworth
Grit - is nested in Conscientiousness
Sustained passion and perseverance for long term goals
People with excellent 'Theory of Mind' skills
- are better place to be socially sensitive.
- Are better at sending and receiving social cues
- Boost group performance
- Boost group learning
- becoming great room readers
- cultivate psychological safety
The 'WE' Factors
Psychological SAFETY -
Individual - being able to show and employ ones self without fear of being put down
Team Safety -
How do I create psychological safety in my team?
- everyone has a voice
- focused listening
- approach conflict as a collaborator, not an adversary
- Speak human to human
- anticipate reactions and plan countermoves
- replace blame with curiosity
- ask for feedback on delivery
- Measure psychological safety
That which unites us is bigger than that which divides us!
Psychological Safety example items:
See slide from Luke for questions to ponder.
Fostering safety and resilience in schools
- Sense of safety and security (I am safe)
- Self-Worth ( I am respected and valued)
- Social connection ( I am wanted and needed, I can listen and be heard)
- Self-efficacy (I can do things to look after myself and others)
- Sense of purpose, hope and meaning (Going to school is worthwhile).
How do teams stay strong in the face of challenge?
We optomise the the resources we have.
We adapt well to change
We promote self-care in our daily work routines
We are alert to and respond to early signs of overload in our team members.
We encourage others to feel part of the team.